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The remark ended up becoming a rally cry

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.Hoffine predicts in an e-mail the shirts will sell "faster than iPads this weekend.Fundraising letter lists phone ....... lineWASHINGTON, April 2 (UPI) -- A phone number on a Republican fundraising letter mistakenly sent recipients to a U. They contain rather saucy even rude tales which were found to be rather amusing by their 18th-century readers.S.The RNC declined to say how many of those letters were sent out, Politico said.cost-effective bearing manufacturers England, April 2 (UPI) -- The National Trust custodian for England's Townend House said a cache of 300-year-old erotica was found hidden behind books in the library.Police said they visited Relf due to a complaint about the sign.S.""The Chapbooks have really caught the imagination.Relf said he agreed to take the sign down, but it will be back if the potholes are not repaired. "However, as we have gone slowly through the library we have found hidden away these Chapbooks. telephone-....... line, a Republican National Committee spokesman said."The Browne book collection goes back through the centuries and proves that rural people had a strong interest in literature," Wright said.

T-shirts with Biden comment selling out, April 2 (UPI) -- A grassroots arm of the U.Podium microphones captured Biden telling the president "This is a big (expletive) deal."The shirts display the remark Biden whispered to President Barack Obama after introducing the president at the signing of the healthcare reform bill last week. I was annoyed that police time and resources were being used to investigate a trivial matter," Relf said.

Man told to take down pothole warning, England, April 2 (UPI) -- A British man who put up a homemade sign warning of potholes on the road outside of his house said police ordered him to take it down."The police told me it was a distraction but I pointed to the potholes and said that they were too.The Minnesotan who called the number listed on the mailer intended to complain that the letter resembled a U. Democratic National Committee predicts its "Big (expletive) Deal" T-shirts will sell better than Apple's iPads.Organizing for American representative Brandi Hoffine says the $25 shirts printed with Vice President Joe Biden's recent comment on healthcare legislation sold out the first night they were offered, The Hill reports.Emma Wright, Trust custodian for the Townend estate in Troutbeck, said a collection of pamphlets bearing erotic stories and illustrations, known as Chapbooks, were hidden in the library of Townend House, which was owned by wealthy farming family the Brownes prior to being passed on to the National Trust, the Daily Mail reported Friday..RNC Communications Director Doug Heye said the number printed on the letter had the wrong area code for RNC headquarters in Washington.Ted Relf, 59, of Shadoxhurst, England, said he put up the sign to make sure people were aware of the poor state of the roads near his home and he was shocked when a police community support officer told him to remove the sign, The Times of London reported Friday. The Brownes were obviously far from straight-laced," she told the Daily Mail."The remark ended up becoming a rally cry for Democrats and Organizing for America decided to have T-shirts printed with it on the front.One Minnesotan who received the mailer and dialed the number listed was offered "live, one-on-one talk with a nasty girl who will do anything you want for just $2."The number in question was a typographical error by a vendor used on this particular mailer -- using 1-800 instead of 202," Heye said, adding that the vendor in question won't be used anytime in the foreseeable future.S.99 a minute," Politico reported Friday

People were still looking on and taking pictures

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Witnesses reported gangs barricaded themselves and threw rocks at passing motorists.The Telegraph reported residents have begun forming human chains to defend their homes.Prime Minister David Cameron, cutting short his vacation because of the riots, vowed to restore order and called Parliament back into session Thursday in response to the "sickening scenes.

A resident of London's Ealing area was said to be "in critical condition after facing rioters," The Daily Telegraph reported.Police in Manchester warned people to stay away from the city's downtown area because of the unrest. 9 (UPI) -- Groups of hooded and masked youth moved throughout London and other cities Tuesday as police and citizens girded themselves for another night of violence. "Whenever people tried, people in the line rounded on them and they would turn back.France, Austria and Italy issued travel advisories warning their citizens to use caution when visiting Britain, especially if they're going to city centers at night. China questioned whether London could provide adequate protection during next year's Summer Olympics, a comment dismissed by British officials, the Telegraph said." The unrest began Saturday after a peaceful protest in London's Tottenham neighborhood over the fatal shooting of a man by police. Scotland Yard said a 26-year-old man found shot in a car in Croydon during rioting China bearing manufacturer in the south London town died at a hospital. This happened fairly regularly, in fairly small groups.. Parts of London were virtual lock-down with massive looting, attacks on journalists and fires started in residences, businesses and government facilities, British media reported.The London Metropolitan Police deployed 16,000 police officers and canceled leave to deal with the widespread violence engulfing London. The police said a Wigan man was arrested on suspicion of using social media to incite disorder.London police, residents gird for violenceLONDON, Aug.

Officials in Birmingham, Liverpool, Nottingham and Bristol also reported violence, including police vehicles being burned, stores looted, buildings set ablaze, violent confrontations and scores of arrests."People were still looking on and taking pictures but we weren't letting anyone in a mask or hood through," Clapham Junction resident John Comyn said. Police leaders also have been discussing whether to use plastic bullets as a response if necessary

Are the background conditions in human self-understandings

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.or such that they would be eroded and diminished if we extend it to 120 or 150, or 180?" asks Sandel.. If so, should we cut life expectancy from 78 in order to nurture the heroic virtues? With regard to the "glut of the able" and "succession of generations," Sandel's question also applies.. But it is clear that for more than 30 years now, Kass has been doggedly pursuing his pro-death agenda. Besides, how do we know that the current birth rate is the perfect birth rate anyway? Sandel also wonders if people were more heroic when they could expect to live to only 48..

Are the background conditions in human self-understandings for the virtues just about right thin-wall bearing manufacturers now at 78 years.that the virtues we prize were on greater display or more available to us? And if so, would that be reason to aim for, or at least to wish for or long for, a shorter life span, rather than a longer one?" Some subsidiary questions clearly arise from Sandel's query. There are many rejoinders to Kass' concerns about boosting healthy human life spans, but during one panel discussion, council member Michael Sandel deftly sliced through the Gordian knot of issues tangled together in the staff paper.. Sandel, a professor of political philosophy at Harvard, simply noted that if longer life spans are bad, then shorter ones must be good. If an average life span of 48 produced people who were more engaged and committed than does an average life span of 78, was that necessarily good? (Heightened engagement and commitment can easily lead to fanaticism and dogmatism. "Is it the suggestion that back when [average life expectancy] was 48, rather than 78, a century ago.) Were our forbears who lived 30 fewer years on average more committed to their children?

There's plenty of evidence to suggest that our ancestors were less inclined to devote time, resources, and emotion in children who would likely die well before they reached maturity. Couldn't we achieve even greater innovation through a faster turnover of generations by lowering average life expectancy? Empirically, this is not likely—after all, social and technological innovation has in fact been most rapid in those societies with the highest average life expectancies