People were still looking on and taking pictures

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Witnesses reported gangs barricaded themselves and threw rocks at passing motorists.The Telegraph reported residents have begun forming human chains to defend their homes.Prime Minister David Cameron, cutting short his vacation because of the riots, vowed to restore order and called Parliament back into session Thursday in response to the "sickening scenes.

A resident of London's Ealing area was said to be "in critical condition after facing rioters," The Daily Telegraph reported.Police in Manchester warned people to stay away from the city's downtown area because of the unrest. 9 (UPI) -- Groups of hooded and masked youth moved throughout London and other cities Tuesday as police and citizens girded themselves for another night of violence. "Whenever people tried, people in the line rounded on them and they would turn back.France, Austria and Italy issued travel advisories warning their citizens to use caution when visiting Britain, especially if they're going to city centers at night. China questioned whether London could provide adequate protection during next year's Summer Olympics, a comment dismissed by British officials, the Telegraph said." The unrest began Saturday after a peaceful protest in London's Tottenham neighborhood over the fatal shooting of a man by police. Scotland Yard said a 26-year-old man found shot in a car in Croydon during rioting China bearing manufacturer in the south London town died at a hospital. This happened fairly regularly, in fairly small groups.. Parts of London were virtual lock-down with massive looting, attacks on journalists and fires started in residences, businesses and government facilities, British media reported.The London Metropolitan Police deployed 16,000 police officers and canceled leave to deal with the widespread violence engulfing London. The police said a Wigan man was arrested on suspicion of using social media to incite disorder.London police, residents gird for violenceLONDON, Aug.

Officials in Birmingham, Liverpool, Nottingham and Bristol also reported violence, including police vehicles being burned, stores looted, buildings set ablaze, violent confrontations and scores of arrests."People were still looking on and taking pictures but we weren't letting anyone in a mask or hood through," Clapham Junction resident John Comyn said. Police leaders also have been discussing whether to use plastic bullets as a response if necessary

A doctor came in and said he was responding to

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She led me through a maze of corridors and back stairways to another floor and a lone pay booth. They said he was still alive, but not conscious. A doctor came in and said he was responding to a call for "all neurosurgeons." Two priests hurried in behind a Secret Service agent, their narrow purple stoles rolled up tightly in their hands.Frustrated by the inability to get through the hospital switchboard, I appealed to a nurse. Police captains barked at each other, "Clear this area.

I spotted Virginia Payette, wife of UPI's Southwestern division manager and a veteran reporter in her own right.Telephones were at a premium in the hospital and I clung to mine for dear life. A police lieutenant ran down the hall with a large carton of blood for transfusions. I was afraid to stray from the wicket lest cost-effective bearing manufacturers I lose contact with the outside world.I threw down the phone and sped after them."I raced into a nearby office. They had been behind us in the motorcade, but hopelessly bogged for a time in confused traffic.. I told her to try getting through on pay telephones on the floor above. We reached the floor of the conference room and there were loud cries of "Quiet!" Fighting to keep his emotions under control, Kilduff said "President John Fitzgerald Kennedy died at approximately 1 o'clock. The telephone switchboard at the hospital was hopelessly jammed.My decision was made for me, however, when Kilduff and Wayne Hawks of the White House staff ran by me, shouting that Kilduff would make a statement shortly in the so-called nurses room a floor above and at the far end of the hospital.

Members of the Kennedy staff began arriving.As I stood in the drab buff hallway leading into the emergency ward trying to reconstruct the shooting for the UPI man on the other end of the telephone and still keep track of what was happening outside the door of the emergency room, I watched a swift and confused panorama sweep before me."The priests came out and said the president had received the last sacrament of the Catholic Church.Kilduff of the White House press staff raced up and down the hall